Month: February 2024

Wellness With Cynthia

Hoola Hooping – Not just for kids

I started to play around with my daughter's hoola hoop the other day and I...
Wellness With Cynthia

Mindful Living Collective

I took Dr. Elisha Goldstein's course in Mindful Living a few months ago and really...
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Sleep Strategies in Times of Stress

A lot of people have been asking me how to improve sleep in times of...

Eating Healthy

Eating healthy right now during this national pandemic is so important. I always make sure...
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Just Breath……..

Breath work can really calm anxiety. This is one of my favorites :) Breathing in,...

Skin Health

July is UV Safety month, a time to really pay attention on how to protect...

June is Men’s Health Month

Statistics show that men are more apt to smoke and drink alcohol than women and they’re more...

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